$100,000 Contract Secured

$100,000 Contract Secured

$100,000 Contract Secured

One targed post secured a $100,000 deal

One targed post secured a $100,000 deal

One targed post secured a $100,000 deal


Financial Auditing


2 Months



One post created a $100,000 conversation

One post created a $100,000 conversation

One post created a $100,000 conversation


The founder of a venture-backed generative AI company specializing in financial accounting and auditing tools was stuck in a visibility plateau. With 7,700 LinkedIn followers, the founder was neither losing ground nor gaining significant traction, hindering their potential for business growth.


Our mission was straightforward: elevate the founder's LinkedIn presence by producing high-impact content that would engage a broad audience, particularly those in the finance and tech sectors. The ultimate objective was to generate lucrative leads, with an eye on high-value contracts and partnerships.


In just two months, we amplified the founder's influence to over 10,000 industry-relevant followers, breaking through the previous plateau. A single post ignited a conversation that led to a deal worth over $100,000, massively exceeding our initial projections. Beyond the blockbuster deal, the content and outreach activities generated a robust pipeline of high-quality leads and discussions, setting the stage for future success.

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